Death Blow from Megyn Kelly Already Taking Effect on Trump

John Kass, columnist for is confused. His first confusion is his last name. I assume the K is silent and the A should be uppercase then, right?

He rants and raves about how Megan took out Trump or Trump did it to himself or something. It’s hard to keep the narrative straight when it’s built out of straw and based on emotion. His commenters tore him a new one and rightfully so. If you can make your way through the drivel, read it but read the comments where they set him straight on his dramatic rant and Foxnews’ personal attack on Trump. The debate was a sham and Megan Kelly is no journalist.

Tom Minor of Evanston, IL has the best response I read to John Kass’ emasculated support of Megan and Foxnews’ hypocrisy.

Tom Minor of Evanston, IL pwns John Kass on his koolaid latent article.
Tom Minor of Evanston, IL pwns John Kass on his koolaid latent article. article by John Kass Death Blow from Megyn Kelly Already Taking Effect on Trump

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